Publikationen und Vorträge
Zybura, Tyll und Katharina Pietsch. „Ressource anstatt Hürde sein: Wie Lehrende soziale Barrieren abbauen und Teilhabe fördern durch Unconditional Teaching.“ Diskussionspapier Nr. 17. Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, 2022.
Pietsch, Katharina, and Tyll Zybura. “Children Are Not Human Beings. Narrative Patterns of Becoming and Non-Becoming in the Contemporary British Childhood Novel.” Invited talk in the series Ästhetisierungen von Kindheit und Jugend nach 1968 hosted by Melanie Babenhauserheide and Benedikt Wolf, Bielefeld University, Germany, 10 Dec 2020.
Gramley, Vivian, Katharina Pietsch, and Tyll Zybura. Writing in English Studies: A Guide for Students in English Linguistics and Literature. utb/Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2020. Series: Schreiben im Studium. Link
Zybura, Tyll, and Katharina Pietsch. “The Fictolects of Child Narrators: Adult Constructions of the Child’s Voice.” (Dis-)Harmony: Amplifying Voices in Polyphone Cultural Productions. Bielefeld English and American Studies (BEAST) 8. Ed. Julia Andres, Brian Rozema, and Anne Schröder. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2020. 241–264. Link
Pietsch, Katharina, and Tyll Zybura. “The Adult Within the Literary Child: Reading Toby Litt’s deadkidsongs as an Anti-Bildungsroman.” Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Childhood in Contemporary Britain: Literature, Media, Society. Ed. Sandra Dinter and Ralf Schneider. London, New York: Routledge, 2018. 34–49. Series: Routledge Studies in Childhood, 1700 to the Present.
Pietsch, Katharina, and Tyll Zybura. “Childhood and the Chronotope of Nostalgia in Contemporary British Literature.” Contemporary Childhood Conference 2018: Children in Space, Place and Time, School of Education at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK, 6–7 September 2018.
Schneider, Ralf, and Tyll Zybura. “Modelle der Figurenrezeption, diskurskritisch gewendet: Das Beispiel der Kinderfigur im zeitgenössischen britischen Roman.” Wie erzählt die Welt? Narratologische Perspektiven auf literarische Figuren der Moderne, University of Cologne, Germany, 15–16 Jun 2018.
Pietsch, Katharina, and Tyll Zybura. “Towards a Critical Theory of Children in Literature.” Reimagining the Child: Proceedings of the 2016 Rutgers-Camden Graduate Student Conference in Childhood Studies. Ed. Julian Burton and Katie Fredricks. CreateSpace, 2017. 64–79.
Bielefeld Study Group for Critical Discursive Narratology. “The Complicity of Literary Form: The Theory and Practice of Critical Discursive Narratology.” Complicity and the Politics of Representation, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, 16–18 Jun 2017.
Pietsch, Katharina, and Tyll Zybura. “Towards a Critical Theory of Children and Childhood(s) in Literature.” Reimagining the Child: Next Steps in the Study of Childhood(s), The Rutgers University, Camden, NJ, USA, 22–23 Apr 2016.
Zombie Studies Bibliography
In the context of my seminar Approaches to Zombie Culture (Summer 2016), I put together an extensive bibliography of scholarly research on zombies.
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